


Oxygen Not Included 後半の攻略法

Oxygen Not Included はアーリーアクセスの頃に100時間ぐらいやっていて、今年7月に正式リリースされてからさらに100時間ぐらいやっていた。 アーリーアクセスの頃はロケット打ち上げ始めるあたりで打ち上げ方がわからなくて諦めて放置してしまったのだけど…

AtCoder Beginner Contest 136

今日は会社でAtCoder勉強会と称して、6人ぐらいでBeginner Contest 136を解いた。 本当は100分でやるコンテストだけど、80分に短縮して、終わった後40分を感想戦に使う合計2時間の勉強会形式で実施した。 結果は80分でA~D問題が解けた。Dは時間ギリギリとい…

AtCoder Beginner Contest 125

Beginner Contest 125 まではA~Dまでの4問題だったようだ。 6問題ある前提で、D問題まで確実に解けて、E問題を半分ぐらい。と考えていたが、6問になったのは意外と最近なことがわかってしまった。 これからどうやって練習していこうかちょっと迷うが、とりあ…

AtCoder Beginner Contest 126

C問題 問題文読んでそのまま書いたらACだった D問題 問題文読んでそのまま書いたらTLEだった。 親の頂点からの距離が偶数か奇数で子の頂点の色が決まることはわかったが、親から順番に子を辿っていって色判定しているとTLEになる。 原因は辺の情報を[1, 2] …

AtCoder Beginner Contest 137

今回は青色までということにしているので、C++は使わずにPython3で頑張っていこうと思う。 仕事でPython書いているので一番すらすらかける。 頭で考えたアルゴリズムをすいすい実装できないのがイライラしてやめたくなりそうなので、一番かける言語でやって…


DMM英会話は56日目で終わってしまった。 はじめの頃は成長を感じていたのだけど、50日ぐらいやると大体慣れてきてボトルネックが語彙力になってきた。 これ以上DMM英会話続けてもコスパ悪いなー、単語帳やるか〜って思っている間に英語学習のモチベーション…

DMM 英会話 56日目

Teacher: Shiloh Today I attended to the wedding party of my friend of high school. I feels very happy to see their ceremony. His wife speeches for appreciation of her parents, and tears are dropped to my face. Recently I easily cry when I …

DMM 英会話 55日目

Teacher: JanetT This is 6th time to get her lesson. When I talk to her, I can speak English fluently. It may because when I cannot remind the words I want to say, she tells me that. Other teacher wait me until I finished to speak completel…

DMM 英会話 54日目

Teacher: Chrissofia Recently I cannot feel the improvement of my speaking skills. I know I need to study English more except for DMM, for example remembering new vocabulary. My colleague recommends me the book "どんどん話すための 瞬間英作…

DMM 英会話 53日目

Teacher: Genie Today's topic is "burnout". Recently not so often, but I sometimes feel burnout. The article said that the person who likely to be burnout is, people who is perfectionist, people who don't ask for help and people with unheal…

DMM 英会話 52日目

Teacher: Mileza Today, we talk about our human being ancestor. There is some scientific difficult words like Homo Floresiensis, australopithecines. Especially australopithecines is learned as "アウストラロピテクス" Japanese sound, so it's …

DMM 英会話 51日目

Teacher: Jaclyn This is the 6th time to get lesson of Jaclyn. Before and after reading an article, we are always talking about our wedding. She really interested in our wedding, and she asks me "What is your wedding theme?", "What is the t…

DMM 英会話 50日目

Teacher: Erha Sofia Sofia is not very enthusiastic. She keeps cool. We talk about global warming. Though the content of article is nothing interesting; just saying that glacier is shrinking faster than before, everyone knows that. I have a…

DMM 英会話 49日目

Teacher: Rachel I was surprised to hear that in Philippine many parents decide children's job in common. Today's teacher Rachel wanted to be a doctor, but her mother didn't allow. The mother told her to major marketing in university and be…

DMM 英会話 48日目

Teacher: JanetT Every time when I call to JanetT, in the beginning there is some noise. But in the lesson, the sound quality is getting better, and noise is fewer. I think Skype may calibrate the noise, but I'm not sure. In the article, I …

DMM 英会話 47日目

Teacher: Austria There was a trouble on Skype. The teacher send me a friend request and call me, but I couldn't receive request and call. In the lesson, we continue to chatting with text. I've never had such an experience before. I'm wonde…

DMM 英会話 46日目

Teacher: Elaine Today's topic is about having a pet. Elaine has a Shih-Tzu. Now I'm searching how to spell Shih-Tzu and I just know the sound is came from Chinese. I and my wife's dream is having an otter in my house. To have them, we need…

DMM 英会話 45日目

Teacher: Yanna Marie Today's topic is the words used in online games. The teacher looks not interesting, and I can realize she don't like playing games in the middle of the lesson. Her friends always playing games even when she eat lunch t…

DMM 英会話 44日目

Teacher: JanetT Today's topic is about traffic jam. I heard congestion in manila has become a big problem from many teachers. There is only one line of train, so it takes about 2 or 3 hours to get a train. Though sometimes the train stops …

DMM 英会話 43日目

Teacher: Milrose Today we talk about Google's new game platform, called Stadia. I'm a game player, and she is also playing games on smartphone, so we can talk each other for fun. We are talking about how the game will be in 50 years. We ex…

DMM 英会話 42日目

Teacher: Jaclyn Today's topic is about air pollution. We are talking about pollution and environment. When I answer to the question "If you were the leader of your country, what would you do to help protect the environment?", I said that b…

DMM 英会話 41日目

Teacher: Marven E Today's lesson is very valuable, because the words in vocabulary list are what I want to know: congestion e.g. Traffic congestion is becoming a big problem on this highway. rush hour e.g. I always leave work a little earl…

DMM 英会話 40日目

Teacher: Stasha The first lesson of Serbian teacher. Today's topic about electric car. In Serbia, about half of cars are Japanese maker's. I'm glad to hear that. Today's surprising is there are no words and idioms which means "paper driver…

DMM 英会話 39日目

Teacher: Lhetz Today's teacher is not concentrated on the lesson. While learning vocabulary, she was writing the lesson note: teachers must write a summary after finishing lesson. Therefore sometimes she read the same sentence again, OMG. …

DMM 英会話 38日目

Teacher: Rhainn The words my pronunciation is not good are following: machine recognition labor faces currently Especially "currently" is difficult to me. Today's teacher is not so fun, because after I answer the question she doesn't reply…

DMM 英会話 37日目

Teacher: Sarah We talked about smoking ban at Disney land. In the US, you cannot smoke and vape in the Disney land. I agree this rule, and Japanese Disney land should follow this rule.

DMM 英会話 36日目

Teacher: Jacky M At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher said to me "You are very handsome, good looking!" many times. I was really confused to hear that. I'm not use to handle such a situation... Tomorrow, I have a checkup at 3:30 pm.…

DMM 英会話 35日目

Teacher: JanetT We have 5 minutes after finishing today's material. So we talked about teacher's father's job. He is riding on the ship, and came back home rarely. 9 years ago when she got married, there are no internet on the middle of th…

DMM 英会話 34日目

Teacher: Cheque In this class, sound quality is not good, noisy environment. The teacher looked tired, lack of energy. We talked about Chinese credit system. I don't like this system. In my opinion, bad behavior is solved by culture and ma…

DMM 英会話 33日目

teacher: Sarah Z Sarah always teach me the correct sound if my pronunciation is not good. She studied some languages not only English but also Chinese, Japanese, Korean. The words I couldn't pronounce well are: slow, words, faces(is not "~…