

DMM 英会話 40日目

Teacher: Stasha

The first lesson of Serbian teacher. Today's topic about electric car. In Serbia, about half of cars are Japanese maker's. I'm glad to hear that.

Today's surprising is there are no words and idioms which means "paper driver". I know "paper driver" is Japanese-English, but I thought there was some expression also in English.

By the way, I cooked dinner with my wife. I really don't like cooking, but I tried. She and her parents told me that it's better if you could cook, considering taking care of children in the future. If we cook together, I can cook with talking. It's not boring, better than cooking alone obviously.

DMM 英会話 36日目

Teacher: Jacky M

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher said to me "You are very handsome, good looking!" many times. I was really confused to hear that. I'm not use to handle such a situation...

Tomorrow, I have a checkup at 3:30 pm. It restrict me to have a food after 5:30 am. Therefore I'm planning to get up at 5:00 am and eat breakfast in 30 minutes. I don't hate checkup itself, but I hate to feel hungry before taking it. I'll try to work from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm tomorrow.

DMM 英会話 35日目

Teacher: JanetT

We have 5 minutes after finishing today's material. So we talked about teacher's father's job. He is riding on the ship, and came back home rarely. 9 years ago when she got married, there are no internet on the middle of the sea. There is only telecommunication and could sent only short and expensive text messages. But now, they can communicate with video chat even in the middle of the sea. I think this is a big progress, and noticed internet infrastructure could make people happier.

DMM 英会話 34日目

Teacher: Cheque

In this class, sound quality is not good, noisy environment. The teacher looked tired, lack of energy.

We talked about Chinese credit system. I don't like this system. In my opinion, bad behavior is solved by culture and manner, is not forced to be corrected by the system. Though I can understand the reason why China introduce this system because of its large land and variety of races. They need big power to control all of them.