

DMM 英会話 54日目

Teacher: Chrissofia

Recently I cannot feel the improvement of my speaking skills. I know I need to study English more except for DMM, for example remembering new vocabulary. My colleague recommends me the book "どんどん話すための 瞬間英作文トレーニング". It may be better to read the book and use DMM alternately every another day. (There's no plan to do both, haha)

DMM 英会話 53日目

Teacher: Genie

Today's topic is "burnout". Recently not so often, but I sometimes feel burnout. The article said that the person who likely to be burnout is, people who is perfectionist, people who don't ask for help and people with unhealthy life. Except for last one, these are corresponded to me. I just realized why I could often burnout. This article is very valuable for me. Though I may not change my style, realizing the causes would make me less stress.

DMM 英会話 52日目

Teacher: Mileza

Today, we talk about our human being ancestor. There is some scientific difficult words like Homo Floresiensis, australopithecines. Especially australopithecines is learned as "アウストラロピテクス" Japanese sound, so it's difficult to speak correct sound.

By the way, I couldn't take a lesson yesterday. 30 minutes before starting lesson, teacher suddenly canceled.

DMM 英会話 51日目

Teacher: Jaclyn

This is the 6th time to get lesson of Jaclyn. Before and after reading an article, we are always talking about our wedding. She really interested in our wedding, and she asks me "What is your wedding theme?", "What is the theme color?", "Did you take a pictorial?" and so on.

DMM 英会話 50日目

Teacher: Erha Sofia

Sofia is not very enthusiastic. She keeps cool. We talk about global warming. Though the content of article is nothing interesting; just saying that glacier is shrinking faster than before, everyone knows that.

I have a TGIF in my company. It's an abbreviation of "Thanks God It's Friday". It's not a special event, just party. We enjoyed playing Mario Party on Nintendo Switch. This is our first time to play video game in our office, we usually play board game or card game.

By the way, I just realized how busy for preparing wedding party. There are 5 weeks before the party, though too much thing to do. I may need to use GW for that.

DMM 英会話 49日目

Teacher: Rachel

I was surprised to hear that in Philippine many parents decide children's job in common. Today's teacher Rachel wanted to be a doctor, but her mother didn't allow. The mother told her to major marketing in university and being a white-color worker in the office in the future. So, I asked her "Do you want to be such a parent?", "No, I will support my kids dream except for being a painter or musician." she said.

DMM 英会話 48日目

Teacher: JanetT

Every time when I call to JanetT, in the beginning there is some noise. But in the lesson, the sound quality is getting better, and noise is fewer. I think Skype may calibrate the noise, but I'm not sure.

In the article, I know 5G network is launched in South Korea and US. In Japan, 5G will be released in this year. I'm looking forward to see it, though Apple will launch 5G compatible iPhone in 2020 or later. I'm not sure I can wait until releasing that iPhone.